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University of Tübingen
72074 Tübingen, Germany

Move to Germany

Germany has 9 neighbouring countries and is conveniently located in the heart of Europe.

Germany’s 83 million inhabitants make it the most populous country in Europe, boasting the fourth largest economy in the world. Although blessed with a long and colorful history and a rich contemporary culture, Germany is also a very modern country and one of the safest places to live. The comprehensive public health system provides for superior health care for all of its inhabitants at a very moderate cost which you will be able to benefit from during your stay.

Unlike in other countries, living on campus is not mandatory in Germany. Although many students live in dedicated student residence halls, it is also possible to rent out a privately-owned apartment alone or together with classmates. Getting around is also very easy and convenient. Every German city is equipped with an integrated public transport system, and high-speed train networks make it a breeze to travel across the country. And students often receive special discounts at theaters, museums, festivals, and the like!


University of Tübingen

The University of Tübingen has been a place of top-level research and excellent teaching for more than 500 years.

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Tübingen is located in south-west Germany, about 250 kilometers south of Frankfurt. The town has some 90,000 inhabitants.

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